Allied Rail Corporation

Online or In-Field training programs!
Daily operations of tonnage and distance requires vigilance of ground and engine crews in the safe handling of trains. From hand signaling to radio communications visual line of sight is imperative to safe train handlings. Therefore, knowing the track plan of a facility and those factors that can attribute to hazards is critical for crews.
Development of interactive 3D systems allow ground crews to simulate train movement in scale. Scaling an industry to include receiving, unloading or departure classification is critical to safety and efficiency. Employees can interact with turnout safety and safely inspect the alignment for switching moves. Moreover, the employees can know first- hand of hazards a track may contain regarding length, storage and or protection in case of repairs.
All training programs can be custom tailored to be inclusive of ANY training course desired. Whether the need is hands-on in the field or in-house training programs are available individually or together. From the classroom to the field all our programs meet or exceed CFR standards. First Aid, CPR and AED Program training with annual recertification programs are also available.